
Friday 14 June 2013

Swimming Lessons

Two weeks ago our swimming pool arrived to our school and when the builder finish the swimming pool room 6, 5, 4 and room 3 went to have a swim. When we went inside the pool it was the first group to go inside and it was Misiotei, Petra, Patrick, Victoria, Christopher, Rosalina and Viliami.

After their swim it was the second group to go and when we went inside there it was a little bit cold but warm a little bit. We saw an instructor inside and her name Jillian and on some other days it was Kevin. When Jillian was there she taught us new lessons like how to kick, float, glide, freestyle and
arm circles.

Jillian taught us how to kick our feet and make it to the other side of the pool. When we were learning our arm circles she told us to “to put your arm up to the top like you're touching the sky and put your arm down like a circle then back”. We were versing each other with arm circles.

It was awesome having swimming lessons.


  1. Very Good Asipeli!!! I really like this piece of writing. I liked the way you wrote this writing it makes me fell like I want a pool to myself. Keep up the great work Asipeli I am looking forward to your next piece of writing.

  2. Asipeli you have done a good job at doing this!!i like the way when you wrote that long sentence and you are very good at doing this and you done a good job.


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